Chickering and Sons Pianos in the Period Piano Collection
Chickering Pianos before 1865
#8141 Square
#15009 Square
#20961 8’2” Concert Grand
#22163 8’2” Concert Grand
#22199 7’ Diagonal Grand (Cocked Hat)
Chickering Pianos after 1865
#30036 Chickering 8’4” Grand scale 33
#33485 7’8” Semi-Grand” scale 19
7’8” Semi-Grand scale 84
#47165 Chickering 8’4” Grand scale 33B
#61995 50” Vertical scale 67, iron action
#63382 54” Vertical scale 79, iron action
# 66520 6’4” Grand scale 93
#77315 6’4” Grand scale 106
#77905 6’4” Grand scale 109
#78875 6’4” Grand scale 109C
#81178 54” Vertical scale 79B
CN#1872 7’10” Grand scale 110B
#100486 6’4” Grand scale 116
#5280 8’6” Grand scale 131
#15451 8’9” Grand scale 141
#137794 5’8” Grand scale 135 Ampico